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Also, being a long-term instrument, their tenure usually lasts for 10 years and above. They are usually an unsecured form of borrowing from the public and have a lengthy tenure, usually exceeding ten years. Till the time CCI decides on its jurisdiction, there will be a stay on its investigation in the matter. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.

When companies have pledged all their assets as collateral elsewhere, they can rely on debentures to raise capital. This is because they have a longer holding period and lower interest rates. Thus, they can be more attractive than other types of long term financing. In some instances, companies may allow investors to convert their debenture into shares of stock. Whether this is optional or required depends on the terms of the debenture. Convertible debentures may be attractive to investors who are interested in eventually owning an equity stake in the company.

Understanding Debentures

However, debenture holders have no share in the company itself. Debentures are sometimes called revenue bonds because the issuer expects to repay the loans from the proceeds of the business project they helped finance. They are backed solely by the full faith and credit of the issuer. Credit risk is also something to consider, though again, companies or governments that issue debentures typically have stronger credit ratings. But on the off chance that a government defaults or a company goes under, you could lose money on a debenture investment.

To compensate for the lack of convertibility, the investors are rewarded with higher interest rates as compared to convertible debentures. Holders of convertible debenture have the choice of holding on to the loan till maturity date, and to receive interest payments or to eventually convert their loan into equity shares. Debentures are documented in an indenture like many types of bonds.

what is the debenture Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020. To know how to read a cash flow statement – Click here. Debentures are liquid and could be traded on the National stock exchange and the Bombay stock exchange . After surfing for days on the web, you find the ideal apartment for you and your family.

Or you can buy it in the secondary markets when it is trading. The interest of debenture holders is protected by numerous provisions of the trust deed and guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India . These debentures are repayable after a certain period as per the terms of the issue.

Why does a company issue debentures?

So, debenture, in a nutshell, is a loan capital of a particular company. It is up to the demand of the company or government what type of debenture they would choose to fulfil their purpose. The main reason for issuing a debenture is raising the capital funds.

Market-Linked Debentures Are Popular, But Are Losing Their Preferential Tax Status, What Lies Ahead? – Outlook India

Market-Linked Debentures Are Popular, But Are Losing Their Preferential Tax Status, What Lies Ahead?.

Posted: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

By means of debenture, the government and the companies issue loans. It can be termed as the IOU bond between the purchaser and the issuer. Companies, when in need of an extension, borrow money at a fixed interest rate and thus, use debenture for the expansion purpose. Debentures are the most common form of long-term debt instruments issued by corporations. Debentures are also used as long-term loans by companies.

The difference between a debenture and a bond

There are some specific factors to consider when evaluating whether they’re a good fit. The goal is to choose a debenture that fits your investment style and goals. Also, keep in mind that corporate and government debentures aren’t identical when making comparisons. When you approach the bank for a loan they consider a lot of things before approving your application. It helps the bank understand if you have the ability to repay the loan.


If a company borrows money, it will give its creditor a document to evidence the existence and terms of the loan. Under the debenture, the capital sum borrowed is repayable at a future date. The bond market is the collective name given to all trades and issues of debt securities. Learn more about corporate, government, and municipal bonds. For example, you may be subject to interest rate risk with fixed-rate debentures. If interest rates rise after you invest in a debenture, you may miss out on higher yields if you’re locked in at a lower rate.

Next, the coupon rate is decided, which is the rate of interest that the company will pay the debenture holder or investor. This rate can be either fixed or floating and depends on the company’s credit rating or the bond’s credit rating. Debentures may also be either convertible or non-convertible into common stock. Convertible debentures are bonds that can convert into equity shares of the issuing corporation after a specific period. Convertible debentures are hybrid financial products with the benefits of both debt and equity. Companies use debentures as fixed-rate loans and pay fixed interest payments.


In this article, we will discuss the various aspects of debenture. With bonds, the investor has the promise of receiving repayment on their principal, along with interest payments. But in case the bond issuer defaults on that promise, there’s underlying collateral that could be used to repay what’s owed to investors.

Firm Capital: The Listed Debentures Are Safer Than You Think … – Seeking Alpha

Firm Capital: The Listed Debentures Are Safer Than You Think ….

Posted: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

They do not carry a redemption date and are redeemed only if the company liquidates. So if the company becomes insolvent, these debenture holders are the first to receive their funds. When you buy a company’s debentures, you lend capital to the company. It promises to repay you the principal amount with a fixed interest rate after a particular tenure. A debenture can grant a fixed charge or a floating charge.

Debentures provide funds for the company or individual, and the loans are not restricted in terms of how much they can borrow – unlike regular loan options. If the company defaults on the loan, the investor may claim any tangible assets, even if they were not pledged on the initial agreement. It’s difficult to comprehend, yet it’s crucial in business operations and accounting.

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However, the holders of the debenture have the option of holding the loan until maturity and receive the interest payments, or convert the loan into equity shares. Debentures are beneficial to the issuing company as they don’t risk the issuer’s assets. As for the investors, these debt instruments contain low risk and have regular returns. Moreover, in situations like corporate dissolution, they are repaid before the common shareholders. Convertible debentures, which are convertible bonds or bonds that can be converted into equity shares of the issuing company after a predetermined period of time. « Convertibility » is a feature that corporations may add to the bonds they issue to make them more attractive to buyers.

A fixed rate of interest cushions against market fluctuations, making the investment less risky. It is a form of loan that the investors extend to the issuer or borrower without asking for any collateral by relying upon the latter’s creditworthiness. Bondholders who have not received their interest can throw an offending company into bankruptcy, or seize its assets if that is stipulated in the contract. A compulsory convertible debenture is a bond that must be converted into stock at its maturity.

Change in taxation for Market Linked Debentures or MLD: An Issuer’s Perspective – The Economic Times

Change in taxation for Market Linked Debentures or MLD: An Issuer’s Perspective.

Posted: Sun, 05 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Therefore, these may carry relatively higher interest rates than otherwise similar bonds from the same issuer that are backed by collateral. A debenture pays a regular interest rate or coupon rate return to investors. Some debentures can convert to equity shares while others cannot. Investor risksDebentures can also carry credit risk and default risk.


The financial health of the company or issuer is still the best judge of creditworthiness. Having knowledge of why additional funds/ capital are needed, as well as the credit rating, are the most important factors when making the decision to invest. A debenture is a form of bond or long-term loan which is issued by the company. The debenture typically carries a fixed rate of interest over the course of the loan.

The assets of the company used as collateral are mortgaged to debenture holders. So, the company cannot raise further loans against those assets. It restricts the company from raising additional capital.

Hence its holders do not have any control over the management decisions. The company can easily redeem the debentures when they have surplus funds. Issuing debentures is one of the most economic ways to raise funds. Compared to fixed deposit debentures pay a higher rate of interest. The interest on the debenture is paid to the person who holds the debenture currently. Let us move ahead and understand the various types of debentures.

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  • It is a debt instrument that the company issues with a maturity date mentioned in the certificate.
  • It enables the lender to take ownership of the borrower’s assets and sell them off in the event of a payment default.
  • Holders of convertible debenture have the choice of holding on to the loan till maturity date, and to receive interest payments or to eventually convert their loan into equity shares.
  • Also, keep in mind that corporate and government debentures aren’t identical when making comparisons.

Consider talking to a financial advisor about whether debentures may be a good fit for your portfolio. If you don’t have a financial advisor yet, finding one doesn’t have to be complicated. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now. Finally, consider how inflation and shifting prices for consumer goods could affect debentures. If inflation is on the rise and it outpaces the interest generated by debentures, you could find yourself struggling to break even or worse, posting a negative return. Debentures are generally lower-risk investments than stocks but they aren’t entirely risk-free.